Myanmar Today has just launched our new site design yesterday. Although the old site design serve our purpose as bloggin tool, it serves our site’s purpose as an information website. We have extensively redesigned our site with a new wordpress template. The following are some important changes to our site.

- Improved color scheme
- Improved menu bar with pull down menus
- Improved Category menu bar
- New: individual pages for places and destinations of Myanmar
- New: Magazine style home page with Latest post at the top and previous posts in 2 and 3 column layout.
- Improved search box
- Improved popular articles in sidebar
- Improved featured articles in sidebar
- Easy navigation bar at the foot
In addition, we will be publishing new articles on Myanmar as well as updating our old articles to be up to date. In following weeks, we will be publishing our Ultimate Bagan travel guide. – the biggest collection of Myanmar domains which is one of the best business opportunity for any one who is interested in doing business in Myanmar.